President Trump Signs Memorandum for STEM Education Funding


Yesterday in the Oval Office, joined by dozens of students, President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum expanding access to high-quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and Computer Science education to K-12 students. Also in attendance were Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta, Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump, as well as several congressional representatives. One of the President’s primary goals is to give Americans the opportunity to obtain the necessary education and tools that lead to good, stable jobs. The President and his Administration are determined to provide Americans, particularly young Americans, the skills they need to be competitive in the job market. read the complete story at

Off-duty D.C. police officer killed in crash with tractor-trailer in Maryland

An off-duty D.C. police officer was killed Monday morning after his car crossed a double-yellow line in the Clarksville area and collided with a tractor-trailer headed in the opposite direction, Howard County police said. Read more here at this link

North Korea accuses Trump of declaring war


North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho on Monday accused US President Donald Trump of declaring war on his country by tweeting over the weekend that North Korea “won’t be around much longer.”



The Real story behind the scenes

img_1873 is the perfect story to start off the week.  Click on the link and watch it come to life.


gill huffy me 3

Leading the fight against racism

 As a Hispanic Police Chief, I am considered a minority. I keep asking myself why it is so important to keep bring up the fact that I am a minority.  I am a Hispanic Police Chief with 22 years of law enforcement experience and an education.  I retired as the Chief Deputy of Law Enforcement in El Paso, Texas and have served as the Police Chief of Marshall, Texas for the past two years.  I am the police chief of a 23,500 population city with the majority of African American population, followed by whites, Hispanics, and followed by a growing Asian population. I have had a successful two years in Marshall.  We have lowered the crime rate by a combined 23% in the past two years, introduced new technology, rebuilt the bridge of trust with the community, and have a new outlook on community policing.  We have established new community outreach programs such as the No Colors No Labels Initiative.  The majority of my officers are white.  I do not feel that we have accomplished what we have because of the color of my skin.  I feel that I have accomplished this because the men and women of my agency were ready for a change of direction and leadership. The city as a whole was ready for positive change; all it needed was the right person to come along and set the course.I feel that we could have accomplished all of this regardless of the color of my skin, as long as the person had the same vision in mind. I was recently asked what the secret to my success has been.  The answer is very simple. One, remember that you are a servant of the community you represent.  Two, remember the golden rule treat others as you would want to be treated, third remember that the foundation of a successful police agency is the community and finally treat your employees fairly and with respect. That is the difference between a manager and a leader. A leader is a person that understands the job and knows the community they serve and the employees that work for them.  What I am trying to say is that I have accomplished this not because of the color of my skin or because I am a minority, but by my beliefs.  To change the culture of an agency the change must be genuine right from the top all the way down the chain.  A cultural shift within an organization can only be completed if the person at the top has gotten the buy-in from the majority of the staff, and the community.  It is vital to remember that actions speak louder than words.  The culture change has nothing to do with the color of the skin of the leader, but everything to do with the belief system that the leader is introducing into the culture.


Three day Weekend

by Jesus ” Eddie” Campa 


Whats on your mind on Labor Day = FOOD 

When you think of Labor Day, what comes to mind? For many, it’s the last long weekend before school starts. It’s a weekend with picnics and barbecues, and maybe a parade. For some, it’s the start of the fall season and anticipation of football. Like many other holidays, American’s enjoy the day off but have lost sight of what it was originally created to celebrate.

Whether you work in a job or run a home business, Labor Day was created to honor and celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers.

How Did Labor Day Come About?

There is a dispute about who originally thought of the idea of an annual Labor Day observance. According to the Department of Labor, two men are put forward as the originator of the idea. One is Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor. The another possible originator was Matthew Maguire, a machinist, who later became the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J.

labor day food fun facts (3)

Labor Day was first celebrated by local municipals and states before becoming a national holiday. The first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, according to the Department of Labor. It was organized by the New York’s Central Labor Union, which was made of several labor unions coming together to work toward better working conditions.

The second Labor Day followed a year later, on September 5, 1883.

Labor Day wasn’t part of a three-day weekend until 1884 when the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed by the Central Labor Union, who encouraged other cities and states to honor workers as well.

From 1885 to 1894, 32 states passed bills to adopt a day designed to honor workers.

On June 28, 1894, Congress passed the act establishing the first Monday in September as a legal national holiday.


Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

The original intent of Labor Day was to provide a holiday that would honor the social and economic achievements of American workers. Essentially, it was intended to be an annual national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

During the industrial revolution, in particular, you can see how American workers built a strong nation with infrastructures, such as railways, dams, roads and more. While rich and powerful men, such as Andrew Carnegie often get the credit, it was their workers who turned these great men’s visions into reality.

How We Celebrate Labor Day Now

While many still turn out to hear Labor Day speeches and attend parades, the purpose of the holiday has fallen way and instead is usually viewed as the last hurrah of summer. Still, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In a nation of people who work more hours and takes less vacation than other western nations, having the last summer party is greatly needed.

Labor Day may not be a day in which people actively celebrate and honor workers, but it does give working people a much-needed respite, which is equally important.


Although Labor Day was originated by labor unions, the need to honor work and career expands beyond unionized industries. As an entrepreneur, you’re making a contribution to the world, as well as supporting yourself and your family. That deserves and day of honor. Further, it’s important to take time off, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a vacation. You might even look up what sorts of Labor Day events are going on in your city. Many areas continue to hold parades and other events, such as music festivals.

What’s important is that even as a home-based entrepreneur, in which everything rides on you, it’s important to take time off.

Without work-life balance, you’ll burn out making running your home business more difficult than it should be.


The Christian War Cry

What is Rak-Chazak-Amats ?  If you are a man of faith or women of faith you need to know about the Christian War Cry.  I ask all of you to go to the site and see what it is for you.  If we all had some Chazal Amats we would be in a much different place.

I see food and I eat food, I love food.

My love for food is real.  I am asked why I work out so hard every day and then eat what I eat?  I do it so that I can eat what I want to eat when I want. Don’t get me wrong this is a very bad habit I have, but I love food.


Food is my drug

I find comfort in my food.  It is my friend and always makes me feel good.  Food is something that I turn to when I am sad, happy, nervous, and hungry.  Food at times seems like my only getaway.  So people turn to drugs, I turn to food.

JuliaMy addiction is food, just like my wife’s addiction is shopping.  She searches for sales, I search for the ultimate flavor explosion.  I would rather spend my money in a five-star restaurant than to buy me a brand name clothing. The frosting on a cake is my sugar rush.  I love real frosting, not that whip cream stuff. The best frosting is from Sunny’s cakes in El Paso, followed closely by the Cake Cottage.  The above picture is the from the cake cottage and the one below is from Sunny’s Cakes.Faith

I just discovered this large single topping pizza at $4.00 for a large in El Paso at Speedy’s Pizza.  It was so good that even my wife couldn’t wait to get home to eat it.  She started to eat it in the car.  Food is my friend, my safe place.  In the next post, I will tell you about how food is also my nightmare.
